We need your help.


The Louisiana Stormwater Coalition supports projects and initiatives to help improve water quality, reduce flooding, enhance tourism and protect our Sportsman’s Paradise. To donate to the Louisiana Stormwater Coalition Fund or to support the maintenance fund for Bayou Fountain, please select a DONATE button below or call the Baton Rouge Area Foundation at 225-387-6126.


Buy a Book

Author and LSC supporter, Wendy Carbo, published Harry the Snakebird, a children’s book about the dangers of litter in our watersheds. The book is based on a true story about a bird dying “death by litter” in Capitol Lake. Proceeds from the book will help support LSC initiatives and other environmental causes across Louisiana.

Spread the Word

Help us spread the word about the benefits of permanently funding stormwater management programs to help solve litter and flooding issues. Contact your local and state elected officials. We are #1 in rainfall, shouldn’t we be #1 in stormwater management? Become an active advocate today.